Monday, October 16, 2006

My favourite Skeptical Websites

This is a random list of websites I visit frequently.

Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal: (CSICOP encourages the critical investigation of paranormal and fringe-science claims from a responsible, scientific point of view.

Secular Web: (Defending and Promoting Naturalistic World View)

Religious Detoxification: (If you are a deeply religious person do not go any further)

About Atheism: (A wealth of information on atheism and related topics)

Atheism Web: (Introduction to Atheism)

The Skeptic: (Dedicated to the promotion of science and critical thinking,and to the investigation of extraordinary claims and revolutionary ideas)

Aheist Network: ("This site is for the atheist: The new atheist, the seasoned atheist, and the "about to become" atheist". Also hosts a nice Webmail Service (free & premium), perhaps the only one hosted by atheists/agnostics)

Adherents: (Information/statistics about over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc.)

Talk Origins: (Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Hosts the text of "Origin of Sepecies By Means of Natural Selection" by Charles Darwin)

TPM Online: (Online edition of "The Philosoper's Magazine". Please check their Battleground God: Can your beliefs about religion make it across our intellectual battleground?)

Skepticism Links: (Links to Skeptical websites including the some of the above ones!)


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